Cannot Engine

Sunset View Park, Gwadar, Pakistan

98.5% of our DNA is junk, 
it is the rest 
that makes me a clunk. 

5% of the Universe 
is visible to us 
whatever remains 
is darkness. 

And then there is sunlight 
1% used by plants 
to live and photosynthesize. 
Even much less of it 
becomes biomass 
moving through 
the cycle of life. 

Plenty of sperms 
and menstrual blood 
go down the drain 
with faeces and worms; 
remnants of Mama’s
delicious snacks. 
All this debris, 
mere maintenance. 

Winning the race of existence, 
I think it made me smug, 
and what has become of me 
ever since then? 

I tried to express my thoughts intense; 
a lot of words, meanings less, 
and so I am nothing but 
ideas imprisoned 
in an incomplete sentence. 

I thought I was 
the Carnot’s engine. 
Except I am the heat released 
after all the work is done. 
I am the cost you pay 
to reach equilibrium. 

But it is okay, fine, and alright. 
Not everything is useless. 
The junk DNA, science says 
is responsible for the opposable thumbs
and that is what helps me hold on to 
the life’s pain and when it numbs.

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